Monday, April 13, 2009

Homeward Bound

As a child, this had to be one of my favorite movies.  It always astounded me how diligent the animals were in finding their way home.  Obviously, home was an extremely important thing to them.  As I contemplated this,  I began to realize that  it wasn’t the town itself that the animals cared about.  Instead, it was the people who lived in that town that daily devoted time to love the animals.  This is seen by the multiple lines of the animals concerning their owners. 


            This leads me to the joyous conclusion that home is not about a place, but people.  Throughout my life, I have traveled a moderate amount and met a lot of people.  However, always I have had one home.  That is the beautiful town of Fort worth, Texas.  I have lived their all my life.  If you’ve never been there, you need to pack up and head there right now! Well….not really, but you get the idea. But as my conclusion stated the beauty of Fort Worth is not in its inherent beauty, but in its people. 


            At this moment, I believe it is appropriate to give a brief description of these people.  Imagine that a million tough circumstances hit you all at the same time.  Well, it was my friends, both related and not, that helped me get through these things.  These friends would pray with me, encourage me, advise me, impart wisdom into my life, prophesy over me, and smile at me when I needed it the most.  Are they perfect? No. As great as they are, no human is perfect.  But But I love them anyway.  So to all of you, thank you so much!  Ya’ll are awesome!



            But when I began college, I began a process of adding another home.  It was an interesting experience; leaving everything I ever knew to go out on my own to an unfamiliar place.  But thanks to my Lord and Savior, I easily transitioned into this new place He called me to.  I have met some really awesome people that I get to work and fellowship with daily.  I especially enjoy the nights where the guys get together and get sucked into the world of 24! For anyone who hasn’t seen 24, you are missing out on one of the most well written, well produced, and well acted show!  It is pretty much the Best Show EVER!!!!!  But anyway, God has truly blessed me with awesome friends in Jackson. 



Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”


It has been a great first year and I am extremely excited about what God has planned for me in the next three years!  I will definitely enjoy these last few weeks at school but I already feel the pull to be homeward bound.  As this season is closing, another begins.  God has got some awesome things planned for this summer that are going to radically change people’s lives.  I’m excited, thrilled, and exhilarated that I get to be a part of it. 


My prayer to day is this:


            That God will bless and comfort all of those people that I have come into contact with.  I pray that they ever increase in their capacity to love and that they continually seek the one that made them and gave them a purpose in life.

jack-bauer.jpgPS. Jack Bauer is the ultimate man!

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